Wie ges­tern schon ange­kün­digt gibt es einen ers­ten Trai­ler zu THE HOBBIT – THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES. War­ner lie­fert auch gleich noch­mal eine »offi­zi­el­le Zusam­men­fas­sung« mit:

From Aca­de­my Award®-winning film­ma­ker Peter Jack­son comes »The Hob­bit: The Batt­le of the Five Armies,« the third in a tri­lo­gy of films adap­ting the endu­rin­gly popu­lar mas­ter­pie­ce The Hob­bit, by J.R.R. Tol­ki­en.
»The Hob­bit: The Batt­le of the Five Armies« brings to an epic con­clu­si­on the adven­tures of Bil­bo Bag­gins, Tho­rin Oakens­hield and the Com­pa­ny of Dwar­ves. Having reclai­med their home­land from the Dra­gon Smaug, the Com­pa­ny has unwit­tingly unleas­hed a dead­ly force into the world. Enra­ged, Smaug rains his fiery wrath down upon the defen­se­l­ess men, women and child­ren of Lake-town.
Obses­sed abo­ve all else with his reclai­med tre­asu­re, Tho­rin sacri­fices fri­end­ship and honor to hoard it as Bilbo’s fran­tic attempts to make him see reason dri­ve the Hob­bit towards a despe­ra­te and dan­ge­rous choice. But the­re are even grea­ter dan­gers ahead. Unseen by any but the Wizard Gan­dalf, the gre­at ene­my Sau­ron has sent forth legi­ons of Orcs in a ste­alth attack upon the Lonely Moun­tain.
As dark­ness con­ver­ges on their escala­ting con­flict, the races of Dwar­ves, Elves and Men must deci­de – unite or be des­troy­ed. Bil­bo finds hims­elf fight­ing for his life and the lives of his fri­ends in the epic Batt­le of the Five Armies, as the future of Midd­le-earth hangs in the balan­ce.

Es spie­len unter ande­rem:  Ian McKel­len, Mar­tin Free­man, Richard Armi­ta­ge, van­ge­li­ne Lil­ly, Lee Pace, Luke Evans, Bene­dict Cum­ber­batch, Ken Stott, James Nes­bitt, Cate Blan­chett, Ian Holm, Chris­to­pher Lee, Hugo Wea­ving und Orlan­do Bloom.

Es gibt gleich zwei Fas­sun­gen des Trai­ler, eine UK- und eine US-Fas­sung. Letz­te­re ist län­ger, ich zei­ge vor­sichts­hal­ber mal bei­de.


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Und dann gibt es auch noch das offi­zi­el­le Pos­ter:


Pro­mo­fo­to Copy­right War­ner Bros. und MGM