AIDAN 5: Between SF, Film Noir And Pencils – An Interview With Ben Bays


»But ulti­m­ate­ly I think that enter­tain­ment is still the same as it was 100 years ago: audi­en­ces want to hear a good sto­ry told well. And as long as the Earth keeps spin­ning, peo­p­le like me will tune in to watch tho­se well-told sto­ries regard­less of what deli­very plat­form they arri­ve on. The web just made it con­ve­ni­ent for more peo­p­le to get in the game.«

A short time ago I ran across some­thing in the vast spaces of the WWW that is cal­led AIDAN 5, it is one of the webse­ries that are pop­ping up all over the inter­net. What makes it spe­cial: it is based on a short­film of the same name that won a con­test – plus it is crea­ted as live action com­bi­ned with pen­cil-drawn sce­n­ery. AIDAN 5 is pure sci­ence fic­tion but also has a healt­hy dose of film noir.

For me as an old fan of SF who also likes the clas­sic mas­ters of sus­pen­se and crime Ham­mett and Chand­ler this is quite some­thing and so it was only nor­mal to send a mail with a bunch of ques­ti­ons to the United Sta­tes. You will find the ans­wers in this artic­le.