Cumberbatch ist DOCTOR STRANGE

Benedict Cumberbatch

Es gab bereits Gerüch­te, jetzt ist es offi­zi­ell: Mar­vel hat bestä­tigt, dass Bene­dict Cum­ber­batch im kom­men­den Film die Rol­le von DOCTOR STRANGE über­neh­men wird. Nach­fol­gend die kom­plet­te Pres­se­mit­tei­lung von
Bene­dict Cum­ber­batch has ent­e­red the world of the mys­tic arts.
The actor will star in Marvel’s »Doc­tor Stran­ge«, sche­du­led to hit thea­ters Novem­ber 4, 2016. The film, direc­ted by Scott Der­rick­son with Jon Spaihts wri­ting the screen­play, will fol­low the sto­ry of neu­ro­sur­ge­on Doc­tor Ste­phen Stran­ge who, after a hor­ri­fic car acci­dent, dis­co­vers the hid­den world of magic and alter­na­te dimensions.
»Ste­phen Strange’s sto­ry requi­res an actor capa­ble of gre­at depth and sin­ce­ri­ty,« said Pro­du­cer Kevin Fei­ge. »In 2016, Bene­dict will show audi­en­ces what makes Doc­tor Stran­ge such a uni­que and com­pel­ling character.«
Cum­ber­batch rose to inter­na­tio­nal pro­mi­nence with his cri­ti­cal­ly acc­lai­med turn as Sir Arthur Con­an Doyle’s most famous crea­ti­on in »Sher­lock,« cur­r­ent­ly pre­pa­ring its fourth sea­son. The seri­es’ most recent sea­son ear­ned Cum­ber­batch the Prime­time Emmy Award for Out­stan­ding Lead Actor in a Mini­se­ries or a Movie in 2014, after win­ning the BAFTA/LA Bri­tan­nia Award for Bri­tish Artist of the Year in 2013.
Cum­ber­batch most recent­ly star­red in »The Imi­ta­ti­on Game,« play­ing famed mathe­ma­ti­ci­an and logi­ci­an Alan Turing, and will soon be seen in »The Hob­bit: The Army of the Five Armies« as Smaug and the Necro­mancer. For the role of Smaug, Cum­ber­batch step­ped into the world of moti­on cap­tu­re to bring the dra­gon to life. He will next be seen in Scott Cooper’s film »Black Mass,« the sto­ry of Whitey Bul­ger com­ing to thea­ters next Sep­tem­ber, whe­re he stars oppo­si­te John­ny Depp and Joel Edgerton.
The star’s other credits inclu­de the Aca­de­my Award-win­ning »12 Years a Slave,« »War Hor­se,« »Tin­ker Tailor Sol­dier Spy,« »August: Osa­ge Coun­ty,« »Star Trek Into Darkness,« »The Fifth Esta­te,« and »Parade’s End.« Bene­dict will be retur­ning to the sta­ge this sum­mer in Ham­let at the Bar­bi­can with Lynd­sey Tur­ner direc­ting. His last sta­ge per­for­mance in Dan­ny Boyle’s Fran­ken­stein oppo­si­te Jon­ny Lee Mil­ler awar­ded him the Olivier.
With »Doc­tor Stran­ge,« Cum­ber­batch is just the latest actor to join the bold Pha­se 3 of the Mar­vel Cine­ma­tic Uni­ver­se, intro­du­cing new heroes and con­ti­nuing the adven­tures of fan favo­ri­tes across mul­ti­ple films.
Bild: Bene­dict Cum­ber­batch, von Fat Les, aus der Wiki­pe­dia, CC BY

AutorIn: Stefan Holzhauer

Meist harm­lo­ser Nerd mit natür­li­cher Affi­ni­tät zu Pixeln, Bytes, Buch­sta­ben und Zahn­rä­dern. Kon­su­miert zuviel SF und Fan­ta­sy und schreibt seit 1999 online darüber.

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